Friday, July 06, 2007

Looking a part-time servant

Almost one week (more or less) I have been living in my house. To be honest I am very comfort to stay in that place. But one thing that I still hate until now, that is cleaning the house :(. Basically I am very lazy to clean and tidy up but in other side I don't like my house seems dirty, especially after rainy. Huh it's really suck. And the fact that I couldn't depend on Dinda, which only comes on weekend, to help me.

Now I am looking a servant to decrease my burden, no matter how many times she will come and work. At least I have one objective, my house always keeps clean and nice after I am back from office. Hopefully I'll find soon with cheap salary :P. If you all want to, just let me know he4x


Anonymous said...


: dhia : said...

kamu coba aja cari ibu2 penduduk setempat jang.. Lagian biar aman juga, kan ketauan rumahnya. Trus biar sosialisasi sama penduduk sekitar juga bagus.. :)