Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My House Photos

Finally, I have time to upload my ordinary house. Please check it out, although it's only few photos.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Big Mistake

I make big mistake today. It's very shame for me and I can't believe it will make hurt someone. I just publish some documents (pictures actually) without any permission from the origin. Then someone angry and also get hurt, and she also says "you break anything". I know how the painful is, because I ever get that.

Every action that already done cannot be rollback, only regret inside of my heart. I would like to say sorry so much from deeper of my heart and I don't want to break our relationship.

The moral that I learn is you must have permission before doing something.

Again and again ...sorry my friend

Thursday, September 06, 2007

JMock is painless

Very long ago, I was always struggle to create mock object when doing some unit testing. But now, with jmock all pain will be completely fade away. Nice and interesting stuff, I like playing with that :)