Thursday, March 30, 2006

New Version Look and Feel ?

After changed my blogspot look n feel, too many feedback and argument came from you all. After I have read then I have decision to change my blogspot to be new look n feel again. But currently I am very busy, because too many office works that I must to do, my private jobs are still incompleted and also my business seem goes wrong :(. So I would like to say sorry if anyone of you is very inconvenience with that. I have promise that i will update the new look and feel as soon as possible. Thanks for your opinions

Friday, March 03, 2006

New photos have been added

After for long times without updating, now i have been added new photos collection in my albums. So let you enjoy those photos by following link below.

Choosing products for Rich Internet Applications

There is following article link for those people who are interesting about RIA (Rich Internet Applications), but still confuse to choose the best products will be used. Maybe this articles will help :p

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How to JBoss remote debugging on Eclipse

In my last project, I've already known how to OC4J remote debugging in IntelliJ IDEA. But currently I just have known how to JBoss remote debugging on Eclipse. Please refer to these articles (thanks for WIKI :p ) :