Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Holiday Road Map

Hmm several days ago were tireless holiday. Almost 4 days I am at Bandung doing walking arround to refresh my mind. After I arrived at Thursday, at night I go to Dago. At first I came to Gramedia, I looked for Dan Brown's book. My target book is "Deception Point" , but I only got "Digital Fortress" bacause the first book was sale out. The second book that I got was "The Google Story", my friend recommended to me about this book. Then I dropped in KFC for dinner and finally at Barcode to play my favourite game , "Bilyard" :p. I go home with problem because in Bandung is very hard to find good taxy likes in Jakarta and Unfortunatelly there isn't "angkot" to Dayeuh Kolot at night. But with patient , finally I arrived at my friend's home.

The second day I go out at Selasar Sunaryo (Dago Atas) to watch Jazzsphere. This place is very cool and elegant, there are many artfull things in here. The jazz event was begun by ImamPras quartet. They played Indonesian Independence Song with their arrangement. They played with guest singer, Dira Yulianti who will be Incognito main singer !! (Cool) . That's very impressive. Then followed by Tommorow People Ensemble, one of my favourite band, with modern jazz style. Too many noise and combine with industry music style makes this music more like trans jazz. And finally, The Jazz Master which contains experience player was playing softer song. So , I am little bit sleepy. But the arrangement was very calm and cool.

The last day I spent all my time to "FO Safari". Found out good shirts, good jackets and anything that I thought good for me. Almost full day I was walking from Riau until Setyabudi. But It's not bad for me because I got some pieces of good shirt :). Then the tommorw day I was back to Jakarta to begin work again.

The conclusion is these were nice holiday, but there is something that i missed. What is it ? I failed to meet her, because she was very busy. I know it , Journalist would be the most busy person in the world. Just My humble opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look, the new rich man has come. hohoho....