Friday, February 03, 2006

First Time Install on Solaris

Continuing with my scarab problems, I explain in my article before that I had successfully cheated to make clean compile scarab installationJ. But there are many problems again before scarab can be running up. I think it’s caused by solaris OS L which known as one of the best OS but with complex configuration. FYI, there are some synonyms name within solaris, some people sometimes called sunOS or just Solaris.

Regarding manual installation of scarab, it explains that scarab need requirement database server (mostly using MySQL server) with version 4.0 or up. Currently in my sunOS just running MySQL 3.23, it’s very oldest hah? So you’re right, I must install the new one. Wow , this is my first time install a software on Solaris. First I go to to get MySQL installer. Then i follow step by step rule install howto (there are coming from many articles and communities), what I am doing is nothing more than just follow it . So in my opinion, installing on solaris is not so easy and not difficult too. You just to know what the error messages are, then you should search the answer by google aid or solve by your experience. The most important thing is I am very enjoying work with Solaris although in daily working I still use Windows. Because of with big community you will never lost an answer for your problem. Trust me bro !!, today my scarab is running up on sunOS 5.8 , aka Solaris 8.


  1. well, i don't know how hard is to install solaris. but, every person that've tried to install solaris, always have opinion that solaris is very hard to install and the specs is relative high, specially space. is it true???

  2. yes , maybe you're right on maybe you're wrong. But in my opnion is we should better think what we do and how we do on solaris than what solaris can do for us :). Decision is on you bro
